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Year of the Movie
Origin of the Movie
Poster Info
Type of Poster
Year of the Poster
Origin of the Poster
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This is an original B2 Japanese poster, printed in 1989, for the release of “Kiki’s Delivery Service” (魔女の宅急便).
“Kiki’s Delivery Service” tells the story of Kiki, a 13-year old witch. When a witch turns 13, it is traditional for her to move away from home to spend a year in another city or town where there is no witch already living, so that she can learn to be independent and practice her trade. This is Kiki’s story of the beginning of her year away from home. She and her black cat Jiji run into a little trouble at first, but they soon make friends in their new city by the sea.
The film is based on the children’s novel of the same name by Eiko Kadono.
This poster of Kiki flying in the sky speaks to her freedom, her creativity, and soaring energy of youth. There really is a sense of flight in this poster. There’s also height and sense of motion. This speaks to a romanticized idea of flight, of soaring with the birds. The panoramic view of the earth below is especially impressive. Note the intricate details below – the trees, the buildings, the harbor.
According to the information in the book “The Archives of Studio Ghibli, Volume III”, this second poster was created after a member of the publicity team said «I still want a flying picture».
The poster uses the tagline “Sometimes I feel sad, but I love this town”.
The original artwork and poster designs featured are copyright of the relevant studios or artists, including Studio Ghibli, Toho, Toei and more. The same applies to all the video games and items displayed on this site.
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Developed by: Hugo Dias Silva